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Speed Racer – Trixie’s Dream

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Speed Racer Nightmares

I think I was about 4 or 5 years old when I saw this scene from Speed Racer and it scared the living bejesus out of me. Seriously. I have never forgotten this scene. It scarred me for life.

I was downstairs in our family room watching the up until then non-scary Speed Racer, when all of a sudden Trixie, Speed’s girlfriend, had a nightmare. In a weird hallucinogenic world, she saw Speed with his back to the camera. She ran to him but and when he turned around, instead of seeing the racer of boyish good looks and big friendly eyes, there was a  terrifying image of Speed Racer as a blue-skinned monster with razor-like teeth. He grabbed Trixie and his touch made her catch on fire.

The Waybacker

And then the entire TV screen was filled with his hideous face and all you could hear was Trixie’s screams and Speed Racer’s spine-chilling cackle.

The Waybacker

Well that was it for me. I let out a scream and ran upstairs faster than a hobo on a muffin. My mom was in the living room and I dived into her arms. I was shaking and sobbing all over.

For years after that I hated being downstairs by myself. And whenever I turned off the TV I would run as fast as I could upstairs. For years!! Years!!!

Who the hell thought this clip was good for kids? You never saw Chumley have a nightmare about Tennessee Tuxedo. Not even a show with a damn witch in it was this scary.

Just seeing this clip now makes me a little shaky. I think I’ll go upstairs first and have my kid turn off my computer.

2 Responses
  • Pete
    September 19, 2017

    I have the same exact story except I was 7. Just shared it with my kids then searched the net to see if I was alone and found this post. I agree . Bad idea all the way around.

  • Ed
    January 27, 2018

    WOW. I had the exact same experience and here I am today and randomly thought about that “scary speed racer” episode so I googled it and found this link. Crazy. This episode scared the shit out of me.